Jim Gonzalez & Associates, LLC
Jim Gonzalez is a public policy consultant and political strategist for elected and appointed policymakers, private sector leaders, international companies, and nonprofit organizations.
He has managed California statewide citizen ballot initiatives on drug reform (Propositions 215 and 36), expanding mental health services (Proposition 63), renewable energy (Proposition7), and was a senior adviser on health insurance reform (Proposition 45) the death penalty repeal (Proposition 62), and local rent control (Proposition 33). Previously, Jim Gonzalez was a Special Assistant to San Francisco Mayor Dianne Feinstein, and later was elected citywide as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.
He played a pivotal role in the passage of the 1989 City of Refuge Ordinance in San Francisco, which protected undocumented immigrants by prohibiting city employees from using city resources to assist federal immigration enforcement. His leadership helped solidify San Francisco's commitment to being a sanctuary city.
Supervisor Gonzalez (retired) served as Chairman of the Finance Committee. as a board member of the San Francisco Health Services System, the Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, and the Association of Bay Area Governments. In 1994, President Clinton offered him the position of Regional Administrator for the U.S. Small Business Administration.
Jim holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration from the University of San Francisco, a Bachelors Degree in Government from Saint Mary’s College of California, and was a Kellogg Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
We are committed to advancing a socially responsible public policy agenda.
We will manage both the quality and the cost of the political strategies and tactics we develop and implement on behalf of our clients.
We will always be courteous, and meet the requirements of our clients, our fellow employees, and our service allies.
We will do our jobs right the first time, every time.
Even in the most challenging of circumstances, we will be uncompromising in the professional and honest delivery of our services.
Jim Gonzalez
Sara Bryant
Sofia LaMattina
Key Bryant
Our firm has decades of experience in providing clients with insightful strategies and proven results. From our successful message development to our in-depth analysis, we offer our clients effective campaign strategies and tactics.
JG&A can assist U.S. companies with their public policy interests involving Mexico and Latin America. We also work with international corporations that are seeking to do business in the U.S. Our firm provides a wide range of research and government affairs services, including social, political and financial climate analysis, international exchange and trade mission planning, professional translations, interpretation and language services.
California Coalition for Cannabis Policy Reform
Campaign for New Drug Policies - Yes on 36
Feinstein for US Senate
Yes on 62-Repeal the Death Penalty
Californians for Medical Rights, Yes on 215
JGA provides an in house production facility which can facilitate everything from political campaign spots, capital campaign videos, and advocacy media.